Citizen input is essential for government decisions that concern the health and safety of communities.
We as citizens have a responsibility to be informed and aware of what goes on in our communities. If we are informed, we can make decisions that help us to be safer and give us the ability to participate in decisions that affect our environment. Citizens can be involved in environmental decision-making in several ways. Be aware of public notices, hearings, and meetings, and all important material available for public review. Much of the information used to make decisions in all levels of government is available for public review and/or becomes public record. Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the federal government is required to allow any person review of governmental documents without explanation of the reason for the request. This is of course subject to national security limitations. Under Louisiana law, the Louisiana Public Records Act (LPRA) is similar to FOIA.
In addition to being involved in the regulatory process, you should know who your legislators are and be in touch with them about your concerns. They represent you! FIND YOUR LEGISLATORS HERE.