There are a variety of important links, within their respective sections, throughout this guidebook including EPA's TRI and Environmental Working Group's Tap Water Database. Below are a few additional links that might be helpful as you explore environmental information about your area.
EPA's Envirofacts
Ep is a search application that allows a user to explore environmental information based on location. Information includes AirQuality index, radon, UV index, water quality assessment, watersheds, streamflow, energy facilities, fuel costs, Superfund National Priorities List, and Brownfields, among many others.
EnviroMapper is an interactive map that allows a user to add data layers similar to Google Maps. Layers include basic mapping tools such as roads, water bodies, and geographic boundaries, as well as environmental layers such as ozone non-attainment, impaired water bodies, chemical facilities, etc. Maps can then be printed or saved as PDF.
EJ Screen
EJ Screen is also an interactive map that allows users to add data layers. Data layers for EJView include environmental justice topics such as EJ grant locations, health, demographics, and facility-level data.
EPA National Priorities List (NPL) Map
EPA NPL Map is an interactive map which contains points and information for all proposed, final, deleted, and considered National Priorities List sites.
ATSDR Substance Map
ATSDR maintains an interactive map. Select a substance and a state from the drop down menus below to view a map of communities where the selected substance has been found.You will be linked to a Public Health Assessment or a Health Consultation for that community. The selected substance was found during the public health assessment process.
The National Map
The National Map, created by the US Geological Survey, allows users to create maps using various USGS tools and datasets for information on topography, land cover, land use, and other ecological information. USGS also provides printable, downloadable, and historical maps for free and for purchase.
NPL Superfund Footprint: Site, Population, and Environmental Characteristics Mapper
Created by the Columbia University NIEHS Superfund Research Program (SRP), the NPL Superfund footprint mapper was created to provide researchers, regulators, and the public with a mapping tool to help understand the characteristics of environmental and community concerns near Superfund sites. This tool allows users to explore environmental exposure risks for vulnerable populations and sensitive environmental areas.
AirNow is an online tool to inform you how polluted or clean your air is on a particular day. The Air Quality Index translates air quality data into easy-to-understand color-coded maps and provides related health impacts based on daily air quality.
Enviroflash is a notification system through AirNow where the user can sign up to receive alerts regarding air quality. You can elect to receive text messages, emails, or use the Enviroflash app based on daily forecasts and current conditions, or receive alerts when an action day is declared.