As mentioned before, it is up to you to make sure your water is safe to drink. Private well water should be tested routinely to ensure it is free of certain contaminants such as total coliform bacteria, nitrates, and total dissolved solids, in addition to having the pH tested. For more information on private water well testing, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) and the US EPA put together very informative flyers:
If you suspect there is a problem with your drinking water, the following chart can give you an good idea of what to test for based on specific circumstances or potential associated symptoms. If you suspect there is lead in your water, jump to the next section: LEAD and your drinking water.
Conditions or Nearby Activities | Test For: |
Recurring gastro-intestinal illness | Coliform bacteria |
Household plumbing contains lead | pH, lead, copper |
Radon in indoor air or region is radon rich | Radon |
Corrosion of pipes, plumbing | Corrosion, pH, lead |
Nearby areas of extensive agriculture | Nitrate, pesticides, coliform bacteria |
Coal or other mining operations nearby | Metals, pH, corrosion |
Gas drilling operations nearby | Chloride, sodium, barium, strontium |
Dump, junkyard, landfill, factory, gas station, or dry-cleaning operation nearby | Volatile organic compounds, total dissolved solids, pH, sulfate, chloride, metals |
Odor of gasoline or fuel oil, and near gas station or buried fuel tanks | Volatile organic compounds |
Objectionable taste or smell | Hydrogen sulfide, corrosion, metals |
Stained plumbing fixtures, laundry | Iron, copper, manganese |
Salty taste and seawater, or a heavily salted roadway nearby | Chloride, total dissolved solids, sodium |
Scaly residues, soaps don’t lather | Hardness |
Rapid wear of water treatment equipment | pH, corrosion |
Water softener needed to treat hardness | Manganese, Iron |
Water appears cloudy, frothy, or colored | Color, detergents | |
Make sure to use a certified lab to test your water. Whether you are testing for chemical or microbial contaminants, you can find a certified lab here.
Once your well is tested, you can compare the results to the drinking water standards below.